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Publisher:jingwei Time:2024-08-28 00:00:00Views:1,013次

The Shandong Provincial Mental Health Center's Child and Adolescent Psychological and Behavioral Training Base was established in 2016 and is a designated institution of the Jinan Disabled Persons' Federation. The base currently has over 1000 square meters of training facilities, and the rehabilitation team includes physicians, technicians, psychotherapists, and others.

The base offers programs such as concentration training, social skills training, learning ability training, sensory integration training, language rehabilitation training, behavior correction therapy, cognitive understanding training, visual drawing training, fine self-care training, peers therapy, etc. for normal children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), tic disorder, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and other special needs children who have difficulty concentrating, poor physical coordination, and emotional instability.